Closing Deals | Opening Dreams – HECK Is Your Key To Real Estate Success

Closing Deals | Opening Dreams - HECK Is Your Key To Real Estate Success


February 21, 2020

So many things to be thankful for—just as I started last year’s message, and I still have my health, my wife and family, and good friends to be thankful for—now, more than ever. Let’s not forget faith, for it takes a lot of faith to get through this chaotic world we live in today. Yes, there are lots of negative things happening in the world, but all each of us can really do is take care of our own little piece and hope we can touch enough lives in the process to make a positive difference. We can all be thankful for each sunrise and sunset, each summer rain, a bountiful harvest, and the belief that we can do it all over again next year—that’s the faith part. I’ve been blessed this year to be able to help a number of people realize their dreams—from finding their little niche in the country to owning a piece of land next to the river. And of course, several family estates were settled with the sale of the family farm, which I find particularly challenging and rewarding in working through the inevitable series of emotions that come along with that process.

This year is especially exciting for me as I have been able to bring Brian Pine into Heck Land as a new agent/partner. Brian and I, along with our families, have a very long history in the Kaw Valley. I had never planned to be more than a “one man show”, but when Brian approached me, the thought of saying “no” never crossed my mind. You just know when some situations are right, and this is certainly one of them.

Especially at this time of year, we can all be thankful for the food on our table. And remember how it got there. I’m again sharing Paul Harvey’s video below, because it always gives me goosebumps to watch and listen to it, and I thought you might enjoy it. In Jimmy Valvano’s ESPY speech from 1993, he says you need to do 3 things each day and you will have lived a full day—1) laugh out loud, 2) think, and 3) let your emotions bring you to tears. I do all three with Paul Harvey’s video every time I watch it. I hope it does the same for you.


Kelvin Heck – 785-865-6266
Brian Pine – 785-423-1220
Dana Baker – 913-244-3527
Katie Moore – 913-634-9010

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