Closing Deals | Opening Dreams – HECK Is Your Key To Real Estate Success

Closing Deals | Opening Dreams - HECK Is Your Key To Real Estate Success


November 26, 2019

It seems that each year I find myself being just a little more thankful than I was the year before. I am very blessed to have continued good health, a loving wife, and healthy children and grandchildren. I have a desire to rise with the sun each day and go to work and come home each evening as the sun is setting across the fields at our country home. I often find myself taking photos of those glorious Kansas sunsets and sharing them with family and friends. As a contrast to the increasing challenges of our broader world, I found joy this fall in simple chores such as mowing the leaves off our woodland trails and having the winding green paths show up brightly in the brown timber.

I am thankful for another good year at Heck Land, and the first full year with Brian on the team. I haven’t laughed so much at work in a long time and I am continually amazed at the depth and breadth of this young man and what he brings to the table. He has added a dimension to the business that I could not have achieved on my own. We are able to look at opportunities as far west as Goodland and south to Ark City. Between Brian’s K-State connections that cover the western part of the state, and my Jayhawk contacts, we are reconnecting with friends all across Kansas.

As Thanksgiving approaches, we should all be grateful for food on our table and for the farmers who put it there. Farming is one of the most basic, and most noble jobs on earth, and Brian and I feel blessed daily to have the opportunities to help Kansas farm families with their land. I would leave you with Paul Harvey’s video about farmers that moves me each and every time I watch it. I never tire of seeing it and hope you enjoy it too. May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving.



Kelvin Heck

Kelvin Heck – 785-865-6266
Brian Pine – 785-423-1220
Dana Baker – 913-244-3527
Katie Moore – 913-634-9010

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